Sunday, August 17, 2008

Sunday Thoughts

Today I was released from my Stake calling in Relief Society. Now, normally, most of you would be saying, what's next? I know I should be saying this, but I am having a hard time letting go. I enjoyed working with the women of the Escondido South Stake and really feel I was just getting my feet wet. I do know that there is something else for me to do now and I do look forward to the next calling. It has taken me a long time to really get into Relief Society and now I can say that it is an inspired organization for the women of our church. There is so much sisterhood love and it is nice when you feel as though you can say what comes to your mind and not be judged. I will miss my calling, but look forward to new paths.

I also wanted to share that in our gospel doctrine class we are studying the Book of Mormon. We are knee deep in the 'wars' rght now. Our teacher today compared this to the wars nowadays, i.e. Russia and Georgia for one example. It is sometimes difficult to relate to some of the stories in this book, but when we talked about the wars raging today, it seemed more clear to me. We all have our own private wars too, but with the hand of the Lord in our lives, we can strive to make it through as we continue to endure. As we continue to endure to the end, we are making our own Zion here on earth.

Sorry, to get off on all this, but this blog is a great place to share. I don't know what the outcome of the election this year will be. I sometimes am scared to try and understand all perspectives. It is difficult to want to hear the 'truth' and wonder who has it. As we progress through the next few months till November, I am praying for wisdom and patience and the opportunity to make an informed decision.

If you're still reading, great, if, not, I don't blame you. All in all, this entry is about change....callings, presidents, etc.. The one thing that if nourished abundantly that does not change is family. I have an awesome one and I appreciate all that each of my children, children-in-law, and grandchildren do to keep me grounded and informed. Here's to a great week.

1 comment:

Diana said...

Hey! I got released yesterday, too! I also got called to YW again! Yes, changes happen before you know it. Sometimes there seems so much to do and be! You ALWAYS do well in callings, Barbara--wonder what they will call you to next?