Sunday, August 10, 2008

My First Day of Blogging!!!

Today Kayleen taught me how to blog, well, she did it and I sort of learned. I am now dangerous in the blogging world. I started this to 'catch up' with my children, or I should say my daughter and daughter in laws....Summer, Kayleen, and now, Diana!!!! It has been so much fun for me every night to go on to their blogs and see what the day has brought their families. Anyways, I really wanted to document in some way how my house in San Marcos is changing. As Hars says, it is 'naked' right now. For those that don't know, we are changing our entire landscaping and finding much more yard than we ever thought we had. So stayed tuned to the beginning, the middle, and the then I will be an expert blogger!!!

I will post pictures when I get home this week. Stay tuned!!!


Nead Family said...

can't wait to read and see all the "happenings" you guys!

Diana said...

Ok where are the "before" landscaping pictures?? We are waiting.......

Kayleen said...

ya, we're waiting! Dont' be scared. . .just blog!

brian_angela said...

Barbara, you're a blogger, I'm impressed. It's been too long since I've been able to give you a hug! It's too bad you guys moved away from Pleasanton. Glad you have a blog so I can keep up to date with you guys. I enjoy reading Kayleen's blog to keep up on the Theobald family. If you want to visit our blog, it's:

From my blog you can find links for blogs for all of my sisters and my parents (if you can believe it).

Miss ya, Brian Anderson